
[资讯] NRL’s Center for Corrosion conducts



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NRL’s Center for Corrosion conducts programs to reduce effects of marine environment on ships
The Naval Research Laboratory’s Center for Corrosion Science & Engineering (CCorrSE) conducts broad scientific and engineering programs to understand and reduce the effects of the marine environment on Naval systems. The Environmental Fracture and Failure Analysis Section is concerned with environmentally enhanced mechanical failure of a wide range of Navy systems and components. The section maintains a wide variety of expertise for the analysis of corrosion fatigue, stress corrosion cracking and environmental assisted fracture. The Corrosion Science Section aims to increase our understanding of corrosion mechanisms through the study of passive films and their breakdown. Additional investigations of surface properties, chloride and metal oxides provide a theoretical understanding of corrosion and develop the foundation for corrosion control systems. The Corrosion Engineering Section operates the Marine Corrosion Facility in Key West, FL that provides engineering solutions to Navy corrosion control problems. Specific expertise in cathodic protection systems, alloy exposure and testing, seawater system corrosion and fouling control and prototype test and evaluation are maintained. Corrosion Engineering is currently working on the ONR Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) program for monitoring the preservation of Tanks and Voids. The Marine Coatings Section operates a laboratory in Key West for the evaluation of shipboard coatings. Investigation of the properties of coatings that meet environmental restrictions on volatile organic compounds (VOC) and hazardous air pollutants (HAP) are continuing. High solid epoxies, edge retentive tank coatings, camouflage and non-skid coatings are current initiatives to combat corrosion and extend Fleet service life. The Section has extensive test facilities including atmospheric racks, flow-through seawater for immersion and fouling panels and a 1-30 knot flow channel.http://chemistry.nrl.navy.mil/6130/

The Center has developed and maintains unique corrosion research facilities that include electrochemistry laboratories, seawater piping systems, coatings laboratories and large scale test tanks where components can be exposed to the unlimited supply of natural seawater. In addition to applied research, a broad range of studies is underway to solve specific Navy problems associated with bilge preservation, ballast and fuel tanks, camouflage and non-skid coatings. Adaptation of test protocols to specific Navy environments is the trademark of the Center.

The Center has been designated as the Cathodic Protection Design Agent for Navy ships and is the technical agent for the Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) for cathodic protection and preservation systems. Currently, physical models of CVN(X), SEAWOLF and VIRGINIA Class ships are being used to design Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP) systems that control hull corrosion and electric field signature.

只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2010-03-25