
[求助] 求助: 关于游艇专用涂装英语



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[复制链接] 只看楼主 倒序阅读 楼主  发表于: 2012-09-14

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只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2012-09-14
舷侧 broadside
舷侧鱼雷发射管 broad side torpedo tube
副龙骨翼板列(木船) broad strake
碎浪 broken sea
堆货余隙 broken space
载货空隙 broken stowage
青铜 bronze
青铜铸件 bronze casting
清洁工具箱 broom box
窗楣 brow (or wriggle)
褐煤 brown coal (or lignite)
斜搭板 brow plate
刷子 brush
刷座 brush holder
毛刷涂装 brush painting
织花地坛 brussel's carpet
B-木条曲线 B-spline curve
B-木条曲面 B-spline surface
B板列 "B" strake
英热单位 B.T.U. (= British thermal unit)
泡状空化 bubble cavitation
起泡破冰系统 bubbler system
起泡点 bubbling point
桶,斗 bucket
戽斗输送带 bucket conveyor
斗盖 bucket cover
戽斗挖泥船 bucket (or ladder) dredger
斗泵 bucket pump
浮斗袪水器 bucket (or float) trap
挫曲,皱折 buckle
锚链孔盖 buckler
挫曲,皱折 buckling
挫曲负荷 buckling load
挫曲应力 buckling stress
缓冲器,挡板 buffer
缓冲弹簧 buffer spring
碗橱,餐具橱 buffet
升力衰减(水翼艇) buffeting
擦光机 buff grinder
擦光 buffing
擦光机 buffing machine
制造者,承造厂 builder (or maker)
船厂证书,出厂证明 builder's certificate
船厂初步试砗 builder's (or dock) preliminary trial
造船渠 building basin
造船台 building berth (or slip)
造船坞 building dock
造船台 building slip (or berth)
[造]船厂,建造工场 building yard
迭层焊接 build up welding
组成滑车 built (or made) block
组合桅 built (or made) mast
组合 built-up
组合梁 built-up beam
组合曲柄 built-up crank
组合曲[柄]轴 built-up crank shaft
组合肋骨 built-up frame
组合船模 built-up model
组合活塞 built-up piston
组合螺桨 built up propeller
组立型钢 built-up section
组合顺序(焊接) built-up sequence
组合艉材 built-up stern frame
球缘角材 bulb angle (BA)
膨出船壳 bulbing shell
球[形]艏 bulbous bow
球艏警示 bulbous (or protruding) bow warning
球形艏材 bulbous stem
球形艉 bulbous stern
球缘板材 bulb plate
球形舵 bulb rudder
球形艉 bulb stern
球缘T型材 bulb tee
船厂[初步]试? bulder's trial
舯膨出部 bulge
膨出试验 bulge (or dishing) test
船体[水线附近]膨出部 bulging
膨出壳板 bulging shell
散装容量 bulk capacity
散装货 bulk cargo
散装货抓斗 bulk cargo grab
散装货船 bulk carrier (B.C.)
散装化学品章程 bulk chemical code
散装货船 bulk freighter (or carrier)
舱壁 bulkhead (BHD)
艛端舱壁 break bulkhead
舱壁门 bulkhead door
舱壁凸缘 bulkhead flange
舱壁肋板 bulkhead floor
舱壁底肋板 bulkhead floor plate
舱壁灯 bulkhead lamp
舱壁填板,舱壁垫板 bulkhead liner
舱壁贯穿件 bulkhead piece
舱壁图 bulkhead plan
舱壁板 bulkhead plating
舱壁凹入部 bulkhead recess
舱壁闸阀 bulkhead sluice
舱壁闸门 bulkhead sluice door
舱壁防挠材 bulkhead stiffener
舱壁停止阀 bulkhead stop valve
舱壁填料函 bulkhead stuffing box
舱壁阀 bulkhead valve
体涨[现象](水泥船) bulking
体积弹性模数 bulk modulus
储泥舱柜(钻油台) bulk mud tank
散装货-油兼用船 bulk/oil carrier
牛眼灯 bull eye lamp
牛眼铆接 bull eye riveting
埋头铆钉 bull head rivet
牛眼环索 bull rope
舷窗玻璃,单眼滑孔 )牛眼圈,缆索嵌环 bull's eye
牛眼灯 bull's eye lamp
双拖网渔船 bull trawler
舷墙 bulwark
舷墙排水口 bulwark freeing port
舷墙系索器 bulwark gripper
扶手梯 bulwark (or railing) ladder
舷墙线 bulwark line
舷墙网 bulwark netting
舱墙板 bulwark plating
舷墙支柱 bulwark stanchion
舷墙支柱 bulwark stay
舷墙板列 bulwark strake
盘形端板(锅炉) bumped (or dished) head
滑车挂杆 bumpkin (or boomkin, or spider)
[艏]波击 bump slamming
床 bunk
燃料舱,煤舱,重油 bunker
燃料舱壁 bunker bulkhead
C重油 bunker C
燃料舱容量 bunker capacity
燃煤 bunker coal
釜底燃料油,锅炉油 bunker fuel oil
燃料驳船 bunkering barge
燃料储运站 bunkering station
重油,燃料油 bunker oil
货舱舱壁拉条 bunker stay
旗布 bunting
帆脚索 bunt line
浮标;浮筒 buoy
打钟浮标 bell buoy
双筒救生圈 breeches buoy
浮标锚 buoy anchor
浮力 buoyancy
救生浮具 buoyancy apparatus
浮力室 buoyancy chamber
浮力曲线 buoyancy curve
浮力材 buoyancy material
浮力舱柜 buoyancy tank
救生浮索 buoyant life line
浮[式发]烟信号 buoyant smoke signal
浮塔 buoyant tower
浮筒系钩 buoy hook
浮筒系索 buoy rope
浮标勤务船 buoy tender
载货量 burden (or burthen)
法国验船协会 Bureau Veritas (BV)
燕尾旗 burgee
燃烧器 burner
主燃烧器 base burner
燃烧器膜片 burner diaphragm
燃烧器主阀 burner master valve
燃烧器嘴 burner tip
毛口 burr
光口机 burring machine
迸裂 bursting
迸裂压力 bursting pressure
载重量 burthen
双吊杆[联合]操作系统 burtoning system (or union purchase)
总线 bus bar
总线护道 bus duct
轴衬,衬套 bush (or bushing)
衬套 bushing
轴衬止[具] bush stopper
肉库 butchery
对接,对头 butt
蝶形螺帽,元宝螺帽 butterfly nut
蝶形阀 butterfly valve
洗舱水加热器 butterworth heater
洗舱孔 butterworth hole
洗舱泵 butterworth pump
对接 butt joint
艉部,船艉 buttock
纵剖面线 buttock lines
圆头铆钉 button head rivet
对头电阻焊接 butt resistance welding
对[头]铆[接] butt riveting
对缝焊接 butt seam welding
搭板 butt strap
搭板对接 butt strap joint
对接焊接 butt welding
蜂鸣器 buzzer
沸水式反应器 BWR (= boiling water reactor)
旁路,旁通 by-pass (or by path)
旁通管 by pass pipe
旁通阀 by-pass (or bypath) valve
旁通旋塞 by path cock
旁通因子 by path factor
旁通管 by path pipe
旁通阀 by path valve
顶风航行 by the wind
包装容量 bale capacity
散装容量 bulk capacity
燃料舱容量 bunker capacity
包装货 bale cargo
散装货 bulk cargo
锅炉壳,锅炉棚 boiler casing
短链,杆端拉链 bridle chain
工作吊板 boatswain's chair
坞墩垫 block chock
小艇座 boat chock
艏导索器,分水艏板 bow chock
锅炉隔热板 boiler cleading
锅围间隙 boiler clearance
烟煤 bitumastic (or bitumi- nous) coal
黑煤 black coal
褐煤 brown coal (or lignite )
燃料煤 bunker coal
吹泄旋塞 blow off cock
方块系数,方形系数 block coefficient (or block coefficient of fineness)
后柱 back column
舱区 bilge compartment
方位罗经 bearing compass
小艇罗经 boat compass
梁规,长径圆规 beam compasses
压载船况呆船状况,极静船况 ballast condition dead ship condition
带式输送机 belt conv
卤水冷却器 brine cooler
软木砖 brick cork
球窝联结器 ball and socket coupling
筒形联结器 box coupling
双臂曲柄 bell crank
组合曲柄 built-up crank
组合曲[柄]轴 built-up crank shaft
庞琴曲线 Bonjean's curve
浮力曲线 bouyancy curve
小艇吊架 boat davit
小艇甲板 boat deck
段甲板 break deck
驾驶台甲板 bridge deck
舱壁甲板 bulkhead deck
小艇吊杆 boat derrick
基本设计 basic design
均衡盘 balance disc
轫盘,煞车盘 brake disc
裸排水量 bare displacement
戽斗挖泥船 bucket dredger
胸压钻 breast drill
韧筒,煞车鼓 brake drum
裸[电]焊条 bare electrode
平衡机 balanced engine
水抽射器 bilge ejector
后端板 back end plate
小艇吊机 boat hoisting engine
小艇吊索 boat fall
包尔瓦赫排汽涡轮机 Baure-Wach exhaust steam turbine
舷窗玻璃,单眼滑孔 )牛眼圈,缆索嵌环 bull's eye
[小]艇[装]具 boat fittings
锅炉附件 boiler fittings
弯肋骨 bent frame
艇具 boat gear
斜面挡铆锤 bevel faced holding hammer
斜面锤 bevel faced hammer
鼓风炉 blast furnace
腋板纵梁 bracketed girder
夹梁钩,舱盖梁座 beam grab
水抽射 bilge injection
艇钩 boat hook
斜齿轮 bevel gear
吊艇装具 boat handling gear
鼓风压力计 blast air gauge
条格栅 bar grating
里钩 back hook
底纵梁 bottom girder
吊箱钩 box hook
双吊杆顶间控索 boom head guy (or schooner guy, or span guy)
轴差规,桥形规 bridge gauge
艏胸腋材 breast hook
锅炉马力 boiler horsepower
黑心展性铸铁 black heat malleable cast iron
舱壁灯 bulkhead lamp
球窝接头 ball and socket joint
子舱口,人员舱口 booby hatch
后管集箱,后管头箱 back header
蓝热 blue heat
浮筒系钩 buoy hook
艏纵剖面线,艏缆 bow line
纵剖面线 buttock line
弯曲机 bending machine
锅炉衬套 boiler lagging (or clothing)
连杆 bar link
制动马力 brake horsepower (BHP)
喷灯 blow lamp
舱壁填板 bulkhead liner
条龙骨 bar keel
插旋接头 bayonet joint
断偶接合 break joint
床梯 berth ladder
组合桅 built (or made) mast
对接 butt joint
龙骨 bilge keel
束光灯 beam light
巴比合金 Babbitt metal
平衡试验机 balancing machine
球接头 ball joint
牛眼灯 bull's eye lamp
内龙骨 bilge keelson
壁灯 bracket lamp
基线 base line (BL)
光口机 burring machine
梁肘板 beam knee
搪床 boring machine
弯矩 bending moment
压载水线 ballast line
横缆 breast line
斜角机 bevelling machine
本体金属,卑金属 base metal
卤水管 brine pipe
蝶形螺帽,元宝螺帽 butterfly nut
船底漆 bottom paint
[艇底]?水塞 bilge plug
压载泵 ballast pump
卤水泵 brine pump
吹管 blow pipe
烤炉 baker's oven
水线漆 boot topping paint (BT)
锅炉油 boiler oil
旁通管 by pass pipe
边缘板(木甲板) boundary (or margin) plank
锅炉装件 boiler mountings
锅炉舱口 boiler room opening
掺合油 blended oil
重油 bunker oil
艏螺桨 bow propeller
组合螺桨 built up propeller
盖补,盲板 blind patch
均压活塞 balance (or dummy) piston
舱底塞 bottom (or decking) plug
承受压力,轴承压力 bearing pressure
黑铅漆 black lead paint
喷射空气管 blast air pipe
舱壁图 bulkhead plan
艇底自动泄水塞 ball plug
?水泵 bilge pump
加力泵 booster pump
旁通管 bypath pipe
背压 back pressure
横剖面线图 body plan
锅炉压力 boiler pressure
迸裂压力 bursting pressure
?水管 bilge pipe
双叉管 breeches pipe
舷向系缆 breast rope
?板 bilge plank
艏栏杆 bow rail
下桅支索 bower rigging
埋头铆钉 bull head rivet
帆缆库 boatswain's store room
浮筒系索 buoy rope
船底板(木船) bottom plank
叶片环 blade ring
平衡反动舵 balanced reaction rudder
带锯 band saw
艏舵 bow rudder
平衡舵 balanced rudder
艛栏杆 breast rail
锅炉壳 boiler shell
前桅支索 bore rigging
舷向浪,横浪 beam sea
香蕉船 banana ship
牛眼环索 bull rope
暴风遮,防风遮,防暴遮 blast screen
艏槽轮 bow sheave
蒲福风级 Beaufort scale
锻工场 blacksmith shop
圆头铆钉 button head rivet
战舰 battle ship
对[接]铆[接] butt riveting
部撑柱 bilge shore
缓冲弹簧 buffer spring
筒轴 barrel shaft
锅炉拉条 boiler stay
锅炉用钢 boiler steel
膨出壳板 bulging shell
碎浪 broken sea
小艇工场 boat shop
船梁支柱 beam stanchion
锅炉座 boiler seating
登艇站 boat station
水柜 bilge tank
锅炉给水柜 boiler water tank
球形艉 bulbous stern
小艇系杆 boat spar
锅炉工场 boiler shop
帆缆库 boatswain's store
小艇存放装置 boat stowage
舷墙支柱 bulwark stanchion
后支杆,后拉索 back stay
防摇拉条 breast stay
货载空隙 broken stowage
弹道表 ballistic table
鼓风过滤器 blast air strainer
压载水吸入管 ballast suction pipe
分路开关 branch switch
造船台 building slip (or berth)
弯曲强度 bending strength
纵肋 bilge stringer
舱壁填料函 bulkhead stuffing box
水吸口 bilge suction
水吸入管 bilge suction pipe
舷墙支柱 bulwark stay
舱壁防挠材 bulkhead stiffener
帆桁滑车组 boom tackle
挫曲应力 buckling stress
平衡试验 balancing test
均衡弹簧 balance spring
柏思麦钢 Bessemer steel
渗碳钢 blister steel
条钢 bar steel
煞车停止器brake stopper
舱口侧甲板列(木船) binding strake
裂断强度 breaking strength
压载舱 ballast tank
底板列 bottom strake
弯曲应力 bending stress
裂断试验 breaking test
板列 bilge strake
副龙骨翼板列(木船) broad strake
背压涡轮机 back pressure turbine
弯曲试验 bending test
浮力柜(潜艇) buoyancy tank
吊杆试验 boom test
吹泄阀 blow-off valve
锅炉管 boiler tube
小艇空气箱 boat tanks
盐水柜 brine tank
锅炉试验 boiler test
膨出试验 bulge (or dishing) test
艏波 bow wave
斜齿轮,斜面轮 bevel wheel
英国标准 BS (= British Standards, U.K.)
水喷射阀 bilge injection valve
法国汽车最高委员会 BDS (= Comite Supreme de L'automobile, France)
台钳 bench vice
帽形阀 bonnet valve
舱壁阀 bulkhead valve
均衡阀 balanced valve
蝶形阀 butterfly valve
旁通阀 by-pass (or bypath) valve
法国验船协会 BV (= Bureau Veritas, France)
衡重 balance (or counter) weight
背压阀 back pressure valve
球阀 ball valve
鼓风隔离阀 blast air isolating valve
建造工场 building yard
印度尼西亚验船协会 BK (= Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia)
污水井 bilge well
英国造船研究协会 BSRA (= The British Shipbuilding Research Association)

2 篇
只看该作者 板凳  发表于: 2012-09-14

alexmee 小红花 +1 感谢分享 2012-09-14
alexmee 绿叶 +1 感谢分享 2012-09-14
1 篇
只看该作者 地板  发表于: 2012-09-14

只看该作者 4楼 发表于: 2012-09-20