
NACE CORROSION 2010 Conference – Wednesday Recap



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Wednesday at CORROSION 2010 flew by as an array of forums and technical presentations continued before capacity audiences. The morning started with NACE president Mark Byerley presenting a Certificate of Recognition to Alan Holloman for his tireless effort in merging technical committees and resources of NACE and IEEE to tackle the significant corrosion problems facing the utility transmission and distribution industry.

Scientific presentations were found in several of the day’s events. The Marine Corrosion Symposium included a highly technical metallurgical research expose to a diverse, international audience. The Future Challenges of Deepwater and Arctic Offshore presentation included a discussion on some of the surprise sources of corrosion offered in arctic conditions – even bacteria!

At the Coating Asset Management Forum, NASA employee and past NACE Board Member Louis MacDowell outlined how Cape Canaveral manages to abate corrosion in a vicious sea-air environment, everything from small parts to the 600-foot-tall doors on the Vehicle Assembly Building. Other presenters revealed key elements of planning and executing well-conceived coating management plans for regulated pipelines using effective rating systems and timelines balanced against fiscal budgets.

The Department of Defense Corrosion Forum wrapped up after three days of meetings. The Department of Defense has established NACE International as the strategic partner to assist the DoD to address corrosion. The Forum provided the DoD the opportunity to discuss challenges they are facing from corrosion and to begin to develop solutions for the problem. It was also an opportunity for NACE International members to learn how to work with the DoD to provide corrosion solutions. This is a unique chance for NACE members to interact with the US DoD.

Today, Andrew Garner, recipient of the Speller Award gave the Frank Newman Speller Lecture. His talk discussed corrosion challenges that came from the pulp and paper industry over the past few decades.

Attendees of the day-long Bridge/DOT Forum – Preserving our Bridge Infrastructure saw a series of case-study presentations. State DOT representatives as well as those from industry covered topics including workmanship, inspections, dedicated maintenance funding, and upcoming transportation reauthorization legislation in Washington, DC.

The afternoon brought the Water/Wastewater Forum with four superb speakers from various parts of the industry. The estimated 2009 cost of corrosion in water/wastewater systems is estimated to exceed $50 billion. The session covered: cost – benefit analysis, determining the effectiveness of corrosion mitigation, cathodic protection and the water industry.

In the presentation “What Are You Doing to Preserve Your Assets?”, oil & gas professionals revealed how advances in data analysis and synthesis have helped move condition assessment to nearly real-time, helping make integrated implementation of corrosion control processes work far better than in years past.

The exhibit hall continued to be busy with all exhibitors pleased with the turnout of over 5,800 attendees.

The evening finished with the Toast from your Host Reception in the exhibit hall, followed by the Annual Awards Dinner where NACE honored nearly two dozen members with achievement awards and special recognition.

Throughout the day and the entire conference, NACE’s alliance partners – the European Federation of Corrosion, the Australasian Corrosion Association, and the Chinese Society for Corrosion and Protection – were key to helping make this one of the most successful conferences ever. NACE appreciates the effort made by each of these international associations and their members to attend.
只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2010-03-26
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