:st3的标准说白了主要看业主怎么卡你了,打磨来说想完全做到st3是很难的,在ISO的标准里,st3不仅仅是要打到露白,要注意st3其实是有粗糙度要求的,st2也是露白但不要求粗糙度,打磨完其实测量肯定是有粗糙度的,但是外国业主是不认这个粗糙度的,他们坚持认为测出来的不是粗糙度, ..
(2012-02-28 10:29) 
ISO 8501中对St3没有粗糙度要求,里面St3的定义是:As for St 2, but the surface shall be treated much more thoroughly to give a metallic sheen arising from the metallic substrate.
只是在概述中有句The roughness characteristics of the surface should also be considered by reference to the various parts of ISO 8503,但也并不是专门对St3粗糙度的要求。
在SSPC-SP11 Power Tool Cleaning to Bare Metal中有对粗糙度的要求:This standard covers the requirements for power tool cleaning to produce a bare metal surface and to retain or produce a
minimum 25 micrometer (1.0 mil) surface profile.