关 键 词: 气压机 级间冷却器 腐蚀 分析 耐蚀材料Wang Wei
(Oil Refinery Plant of Daqing Petrochemical Company Daqing, Heilongjiang,163711)
TheCorrosion Analysis and Solution for the Cooler Pipe Bundle between the AerostaticPress
Abstract: This paper presents the corrosion situation of the cooler pipe bundlebetween the aerostatic press. The reason is analyzed. In choosing theanti-corrosion metal, we adopt the 0Cr18Ni10Ti pipe bundle. This can guaranteethe safety operation of the plant.Key words: aerostatic press; cooler between different level;corrosion; analysis; anti-corrosion material气压机级间冷却器管束腐蚀分析及解决办法
气压机级间冷却器(E-312)腐蚀问题分析.pdf (369 K) 下载次数:1