内容提要: 该文针对炼油厂储罐罐底板下面金属表面普遍存在腐蚀的问题,分析了腐蚀原因。采用牺牲阳极的阴极保护方法,避免了腐蚀。提高了储罐的使用寿命。主 题 词:储罐、罐底板下面、腐蚀、保护、The application of cathodicprotection under the soleplate of storage oil jar
Wang wei (Oil refiningfactory of Daqing [font=ˎ̥, serif]Petroleumcompany Daqing Heilongjiang province 163711)
Abstract: This paper aims at the corrosion problem existing in storage oil jar’smetal surface, analyzes the reason of the corrosion. We adopt cathodicprotection method, avoid corrosion. And
improve the life-span of jar.Key words: storage oil jar; under the soleplate; corrosion; effect 阴极保护在储罐罐底板下面的应用
阴极保护在储罐罐底板上应用.pdf (363 K) 下载次数:6