(大庆石化公司 黑龙江省大庆 163711)
内容提要:该文阐述了白土精制装置过滤机滤板表面的腐蚀,分析了腐蚀原因。通过采用钛纳米聚合物对滤板表面进行防腐,使用2年多收到了很好的效果。 关 键 词:过滤机滤板 腐蚀 分析 涂料防腐The corroding and protecting of the filter plate in the white-soil refining plant
Wang wei
(Oil refining factory of Daqing Petroleum company Daqing Heilongjiang province 163711)
Abstract:This article elaborates the corroding of the filter plate of the white-soil refining plant and analyzes the corroding reasons.We have get a good corroding effect with the titanium nanometer polymer. Key words: filter plate ; corroding;analyze;paint;anticorrosive
白土精制过滤机滤板腐蚀原与防护.pdf (380 K) 下载次数:0