杨福辰:硕士,资深防腐腐蚀工程师。论坛id:johnyangAPI-510,API-570, API-579
NACE Corrosion Specialist
NACE Cathodic Protection Specialist
NACE Protective Coating Specialist
Fuchen (John) Yang :
杨福辰Current Employer: Black & Veatch
Bachelor of Science, Metal Physics at the Institute of Steel and Iron Beijing, China。
本科:北京科技大学Mater of Engineering, Corrosion Engineering at the University of Science and Technology Beijing, China。
硕士:北京科技大学 “Regardless of how knowledgeable you are or you think you are, in the process of going through the NACE CP 3 training, you will learn a lot more than you expected. Any time or money you invest in the CP3 course would eventually pay off. CP3 is probably one of the NACE courses that is not hard to achieve, but would definitely benefit you in corrosion job market and in your career development as well.”
“在防腐领域,无论你知识有多丰富,追求NACE CP3 的过程所获取的知识永远会超越你的期望值。你投入的时间和资金都将会得到回报。考取NACE CP3 证书并不是太难,但你会发现NACE CP3 不仅会对你找工作非常有帮助,而且对你职业上的发展也大有好处。” How did you first hear about NACE?
My major in my graduate school was Corrosion Engineering. I first heard about NACE was from my teachers. My major in my graduate school was Corrosion Engineering.
“我硕士专业是腐蚀工程学。我第一次知道NACE是从我老师那里听到的。” Why did you choose NACE Certification rather than another company for your certification?
为什么你选择了考取NACE 证书,而不是其他组织的证书?
NACE's reputation as the most globally recognized corrosion protection organization in the industry was the biggest factor in choosing NACE. NACE CP 3 is a relatively advanced certification in CP field and while it is not hard to obtain, it has a huge demand in the corrosion job market.
“NACE是腐蚀与防护领域内在全球最负盛名的组织,这是主要的原因我选择NACE。NACE CP3 属于中高级证书而且不是太难获得。更重要的是NACE CP3 证书对招工作很有帮助。” Do you feel like the time commitment required for the CP 3 certification was worth the time and work?
获取NACE CP3 是需要投入时间和精力的,你认为你投入的时间和精力值得吗?
Absolutely! Not only did I obtain additional knowledge of cathodic protection from CP3 training, I also got two job offers in two months.
“当然值得!在这个过程中我不仅学得了知识,而且让我找到了理想的工作。考完NACE CP3 后,两个月内就拿到两个公司的录取通知单。” 
Do you feel like the cost of the course and exam was worth the investment?
Absolutely! CP 3 was the first NACE certificate I received. I paid for everything myself. The CP3 helped me find my first job in the US and I am still working with the same company ten years later. The NACE training courses really made a difference in my career development in the corrosion protection field.
“绝对值!NACE CP3 是我的第一个NACE证书。所有的费用都是我自己出的。这个CP3 证书让我找到了理想的工作。十年之后的今天我还是在这同一个公司供职。NACE的培训实实在在地改变了我的职业生涯。” 
How has having the NACE CP 3 Certification helped your career?
NACE CP3 证书是如何对你职业发展上有帮助的?
The wide range of knowledge provided by NACE CP3 helps me on a daily basis. I recently gave a presentation to a group of CP engineers in which I cited a lot of the contents I learned from my CP 3 course, including anode efficiency, pipe coating quality evaluation, and IR drop mitigation.
“从NACE CP3 学的 很多知识每天都被用在我的日常工作中。我最近给一些腐蚀工程是做了个学术报告, 报告中很多东西都是引用NACE CP3 的知识, 包括阳极效率,管道涂层评价,消除IR降等等。”
How do you apply what you have learned through the certification process in your current job?
你是如何把在NACE 培训过程中学到的东西用于你的日常工作中的?
CP 3 has a relatively wide range of knowledge of cathodic protection. I perform cathodic protection design mostly based on the knowledge I learned from CP 3 course. I use the knowledge from CP3 on a daily basis. The CP3 has a lot of “hidden” knowledge in it. You have to exploit it. Every time I read the CP 3 course manual, I learn something new.
“NACE CP3 涵盖的知识面很广。我的日常阴极保护设计基本上都是基于我从NACE CP3 里学到的知识。其实,NACE CP3 里面隐藏着很多知识。有些知识需要认真挖掘才能得到。每回当我翻开CP3 教材的时候都会有新的发现。” 
What’s next for your career?
I want to pursue more NACE certifications-NACE Internal Corrosion Specialist and NACE Material Selection Specialist- and share my knowledge of corrosion protection with peers.
“我的下一步打算时考取NACE Internal Corrosion Specialist 和 NACE Material Selection Specialist. 还有一个就是跟同行们分享我从NACE培训里学来的东西。” 新闻来源:NACE http://naceinstitute.org/certification/cp-technologist-best-career-building-tool.aspx#tab4
[ 此帖被Sinker在2017-03-26 17:07重新编辑 ]