
[原创] 分段涂装施工前会议



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XXXXXXXX1400CS海工楼116会议室,召开了该船分段涂装的施工会议,三方(船东、油漆 、船厂涂装车间)就分段涂装,经协商达成以下一致意见。
Meeting of painting jobs at block stage of 59K shuttle tankers was held in meeting room 116 of offshore building of CS shipyard on 26th Feb. 2010. We reach the agreement of paint procedure of block stage between JL, Paint maker and CS Shipyard) as follow:

一、  外壳区域/Shell plate
1、 外壳四周边口在冲砂检验认可后,及时刷涂车间底漆1015cm;若不及时刷涂导致生锈或生锈后再刷涂,此区域必须冲砂或打磨报验认可后,方可补刷车间底漆;
The shell edge of blocks should be temporary protected with shop primer approximate width 10~15cm as soon as possible after sand blasting and cleaning inspection was accepted by owner and Jotun, if not carry out as above mention or re-rust or protected with rust that these areas must be sand blasting or disk sander again, applied by shop primer after owner and Jotun inspection is acceptable.

2、 外壳必须保证涂层清晰、美观,且后续施工的涂层一定要避免覆盖在前道涂层上;
   The surface for shell plate must ensure that cleargood appearance and the subsequent coats must avoid coverage on the previous coats.

3、 外壳上的焊缝、舱室标记、水线标记、水尺、船名、港籍名等每一度涂层施工前均要做预涂;
The stripe coat must be applied prior to full coat on the erection jointsmarker of tankswater linedraft markship name and port register etc of shell plate.

4、 为了避免船台分段大合拢严重烧损给涂装施工增加难度,特别是艏艉线型复杂的区域,分段阶段施工如下:
For fear of increasing difficult for painting caused by burnt damaged by erection on slipway, especially for vessel fore part and aft part, the procedure of block application as follow:
Flat bottom: the procedure according to specification;
   直底:所有大接缝区域的第一度防锈底漆按工艺要求正常施工,但第二度涂层即中间漆需预留30cm的间隔, 第三度涂层按工艺要求进行施工,保证涂层清晰; 大接缝在船台除锈时,对此区域的底漆重拉毛,补喷底漆一度,后续涂层按工艺施工;
Vertical bottomthe 1st primer coat for all erection joints applied according to specification; the 2nd coat, i.e. safeguard plus should be keep 30cm width space from the border of 1st coat protected by adhesive tape; the 3rd coat, i.e. anti-fouling applied according to specification; when secondary surface preparation after erection ,for primer coat should be carried out by disc hard roughness and applied one more primer coat, the subsequent coat as specification.
Vertical bottom of engine room areas: full blasting after erection and all pipessupport and other fittings etc fire work finished on shell plate areas caused by much burnt damage and stanchion with floating box will be welded. Fire work and erection areas should be temporary protected by shop primer before launch. Block A01Cfrom E01C to E04P/S of flat bottom should be finished all coat on block stage

5、 建议干舷与上建聚胺脂面漆在天气晴朗的情况下施工;
During all coats application, the ambient condition is fine, especial for the polyurethan paint must be during clear weather;

6、 分段完工前,外壳上脚手架接触处用白色记号笔标出,圆形且易于发现;
All scaffold should be marked by white marker before block final inspection, the marker should be rotundity and easily was found;

7、 分段在运送过程中注意保护外壳的涂层,尽量避免机械损伤;若有较多的机械碰伤,必须在分段完工前修补结束后方可报验.
Block in the transport process protection coatings to avoid mechanical damage. If suffer much, the all mechanical damage should be repaired before final inspection

二、  压载舱区域/water ballast tank
1、 镀锌件、不锈钢或其它有色金属材料的舾装件的保护工作,冲砂中避免损坏.若有损坏,须更换;
All galvanizationstainless steel and other non-ferrous metal fittings in water ballast tanks should be protected during sand-blasting. If have damaged, should be renew.
2、 边口及密性焊缝在冲砂检验认可后,及时刷涂车间底漆1015cm;若不及时刷涂导致生锈或生锈后再刷涂,此区域必须冲砂或打磨报验认可后,方可补刷车间底漆;
All edge & tight seams of blocks should be temporary protected with shop primer approximate width 10~15cm as soon as possible after sand blasting and cleaning inspection was accepted by owner and Jotun, if not carry out as above mention or re-rust or protected with rust that these areas must be sand blasting or disk sander again, applied by shop primer after owner and Jotun inspection is acceptable.
3、 不规则的大接缝、球扁钢、R孔、月亮孔、衬板及角落等在时间允许的条件下用Jotacote Universal, Alu. Red先做预涂;然后再喷涂Jotacote Universal, Alu. Red,且必须保证底漆的厚度;
When time allowable, can use Jotacote Universal, Alu. Red for the stripe coat on irregular weld seambulb platescalloper and where is not easy to spray etc, then full spray by Jotacote Universal, Alu. Red, and have to ensure the thickness;
4、 见铁处、漏底处第一度防锈底漆施工完毕的第二天上午必须用Jotacote Universal, Alu. Red修补结束;
Morning the second day, for bare steel and holiday areas must be repaired by 1st coat, i.e. Jotacote Universal, Alu. Red.
5、 Paint maker检验认可后,整个舱室用Jotacote Universal, Grey全部预涂;
The 1st stripe coat should be applied by Jotacote Universal Grey after Paint maker accepted the 1st full coating.
6、 Paint maker检验认可后,整个舱室用Jotacote Universal, Alu. Red全部预涂;
The 2nd stripe coat should be applied by Jotacote Universal Alu. Red after Paint makeraccepted the 1st stripe coat.
7、 Paint maker检验认可后,喷涂Jotacote Universal, Grey; 修补结束后完工报验;
The 2nd full coat should be applied by Jotacote Uniersal Grey after Paint makeraccepted the 2nd stripe coat also. Final inspection should be carried out after repair finished.
8、 完工报验前压载管外壁涂层破坏的区域,经表面处理后修补周围环境同类型油漆;
Paint damage outside pipes in water ballast tank, should be surface preparation and touch up as per surroundings before block final inspection.
9、 分段完工前,将脚手架接触处用蓝色记号笔标出,圆形且易于发现.
All scaffold should be marked by blue marker before block final inspection, the marker should be rotundity and easily was found

三、  原油舱、空舱 、甲板区域:Crude oil tankvoid spaceexpose deck:
1、 镀锌舾装件保护、车间底漆刷涂、预涂及其他要求同压载舱一致;
Protection of galvanization fittingsshop primerstripe coat and other requirement etc. should be same as water ballast tank.
2、 货油舱底所有舾装件、支架、管子、纵壁和横舱壁二度全部结束。
The ramp and bottom areas only applied one coat in crude oil tank, but all fittingssupportpipe and bulkhead should be finished two coat

四、  其它要求: Others requirement:
1、 分段进冲砂棚前必须确认油污的清洁;
Oilgreaseforeign contamination should be removed before block sand blasting.
2、 分段冲砂前,舾装件尽可能安装结束,避免涂层不必要的烧损及修补;
Fitting should be installed as fully as possible before block blasting, for fear of increasing burnt damaged and touch up.
3、 冲砂区域尽量避免大面积打磨, 若打磨面积所占比例过高,必须重新冲砂;
Large acreage grinding should be avoided at blasting area, otherwise, re-blasting is necessary.
4、 钢板预处理时氧化皮处理不干净的,在冲砂时应彻底处理干净;
The mill scale is not cleaned during pre-treatment, should be removed thoroughly during block blasting.
5、 分段下方的钢丸在报验前应清洁干净;
The steel grit under blocks should be removed before blasting inspection.
6、 保证分段施工的通风及除湿,确保每一度涂层完全固化;
Good ventilation and de-humidity is required during block application to ensure each coating can be cured totally.
7、 每一度涂层的施工在满足Jotun产品要求情况下,尽可能在最短时间内施工结束;
Application for each coat should be according to Jotun TDS, and applied the subsequent coat in the shortest time possible.
8、 大面因涂层漆膜厚度差距太大,需要修喷时必须经Jotun确认并记录;
If necessary, shipyard carried out by repair spray caused by the DFT is lower after Jotun’s inspection is accepted and recorded.
9、 存在常温型与冬用型油漆,在分段施工时必须保证同一个分段的统一性;
There are have standard (Std) and winter (WG) type paint, in the block application must ensure that the same block of unity.
10、             分段完工报验前舱室、管子内的钢丸及垃圾清洁结束;分段报验认可后脚手架拆完须跟踪清洁;
     The steel grit and rubbish should be cleaned inside tanks and pipe before final inspection. After inspection was accepted, one more cleaning after all scaffolds was removed.
11、             夏季因温度过高,油漆避免在阳光下长时间暴晒。
     About the paint storage in summer, all paints should be avoided to exposure outside long-time.
初夏 绿叶 +1 来自防腐蚀论坛app的点赞 2019-03-08
James Ma/ 小马哥/ 攀艇涂装科技
手机:180-1918-9836 (微信、QQ同号)
电邮: james.ma@pt-painting.com / jamesma12@163.com