The NACE Foundation’s Workforce Development Program launched a new workforce development initiative as one of its premiere programs to address the growing workforce needs in the corrosion industry.

The program helps veterans from the U.S. Armed Forces to find job placement by mentoring and training individuals to acquire the skills needed to become valuable assets to the corrosion industry. The mission of this initiative is to provide a long term, recession-proof career for veterans who face the common challenge of how to apply their military skills to the workforce.
In Spring 2010, Elliot Henson was the first student to enroll in the NACE Foundation’s Workforce Development Program. Henson, after his discharge from the Army, secured a position as a sales manager; but due to the recession, Henson went through two lay-offs within two years. Henson’s need to find job security and support his wife and four children prompted him to personally submit an application with the NACE Foundation (as a result of a referral from an acquaintance who was currently certified through NACE as a CIP Level I Inspector).
Russell Norris, employed by Sherwin Williams in Houston, TX had the privilege of being Henson’s mentor. Norris discussed a plan of action with Henson on training, interviewing techniques, and networking opportunities. Henson was also encouraged to attend monthly membership meetings with the NACE Houston Section.
In August 2010, Henson completed the NACE CIP Level II course and, as a result, was offered a fulltime job with Industrial Protective Coatings (IPC) as quality control personnel. “IPC is a very well-run company with a great reputation for doing the job right,” Henson says. “My supervisor, Clay Hertenberger, and I have discussed future plans for my growth within the company and I am very happy to be with IPC now and for the foreseeable future.”
Like Henson, many other veterans are looking for job placement, and The NACE Foundation’s Workforce Development Program is eager to help such individuals by helping them acquire the skills they need to become valuable members of the workforce and help mitigate corrosion. If you are interested in becoming a mentor to a veteran participant, please view our
Mentoring Program
(pdf) or contact the
NACE Foundation.