各位大侠 我遇到一个问题,客户的执行标准为Dep31.40.30.31标准,里面对灰尘级别的要求如下:
10.1.3 Dust level
The dust level on the blast-cleaned surface shall be class 1 in accordance with ISO 8502-3.
然而,查阅ISO 8502-3标准,发现对灰尘级别的判定包括颗粒数量的判定和颗粒尺寸的判定,描述如下:
6.3 Assess the quantity of dust on the tape by comparing visually an area of the tape with equivalent-sized areas of the pictorial references shown in figure 1.
6.4 Assess the predominating dust particle size on the adhesive tape by reference to table 1 which defines six dust particle size classes, designated 0,1,2,3,4 and 5.
现在的问题是DEP标准要求的1级是指 灰尘的数量还是灰尘的颗粒大小了?