
[国际] Materials Performance 2013 Corrosion Innovation of the Year Award Winners Announced



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The Materials Performance Readers’ Choice Corrosion Innovation of the Year Awards represent the most exciting innovations in the field of corrosion control worldwide. Companies, individuals and governments were invited to submit nominations resulting in a total of 47nominations from 12 countries for consideration.
In January, 2013 nominated innovations were posted online for public voting, which resulted in more than 7,500 votes cast for innovations representing groundbreaking advances in coatings and linings, cathodic protection, materials and design, quality control, testing, integrity assessment, chemical treatments, and other corrosion prevention and mitigation technologies.
“When we launched the MP awards last year, industry response and the entries were quite impressive,” said NACE International Executive Director, Bob Chalker. “This year we have had more interest and the winners represent the best of the industry.”
The top 10 innovations were announced Monday night, by NACE International President Kevin Garrity at CORROSION 2013, NACE International’s annual corrosion conference and exposition in Orlando, Florida.
The 2013 MP Readers’ Choice Corrosion Innovation of the Year Awards are (in alphabetical order):
Innovation: Allegro Field Data PC™ RFID
Recipient: Steve Hamblin, American Innovations
Corrosion Control Category: Cathodic Protection
Description: The Allegro Field Data PC™ uses radio-frequency identification (RFID) for surveys to ensure compliance and accuracy for cathodic protection inspections by simplifying routing, verifying test locations, and generating an automatic inspection history log at a test location. Users scan an RFID tag on a test point, rectifier, bond, or other piece of equipment, and the location is verified and automatically included with the related inspection survey data.
Web site: http://www.aiworldwide.com
Innovation: Capturx Pipeline Solutions
Recipient: Ted Gauld, Adapx
Corrosion Control Category: Integrity Assessment
Description: Using tablets or digital pens and standard paper forms, Capturx Pipeline Solutions automates field data capture and provides integrity teams with instant visibility to pipeline inspection data collected in the field.
Web site: http://www.adapx.com
Innovation: CoatingsCalculator.com
Recipients: James McDonald, Hempel USA; Paige Findley
Corrosion Control Category: Coatings and Linings
Description: CoatingsCalculator.com is a suite of online budgeting calculators designed for use by the protective coatings industry. This innovation takes industry-standard formulas and formats them in a user-friendly interface that provides instant functional information. Designed for use by engineers, estimators, asset owners, procurement professionals, and field personnel, CoatingsCalculator.com quickly and accurately computes common complex calculations so that material lists and preliminary budgets are available on-the-fly.
Web site: http://www.CoatingsCalculator.com
Innovation: CorrSim Junior
Corrosion Control Category: Coatings and Linings
Recipients: Daniel J. Dunmire, DoD Corrosion Policy & Oversight Office; Susan Louscher,
College of Engineering, The University of Akron; Victor M. Mañalac, MVE Systems, Inc.; Shane Lord, Bruno White Entertainment
Description: CorrSim Junior is an arcade simulation game targeted toward children age five to 12. CorrSim Junior introduces corrosion engineering and encourages children to consider related professions when they grow up. The goals of the game are to learn the basics of material preparation and corrosion prevention by interactively applying coating systems to household items so they are effectively restored and protected against rust. CorrSim Junior uses high-quality, 3-D graphics and promotes interactivity through Kinect’s motion sensor technology and iPad's multi-touch technology.
Web site: http://mvesystems.com/oursolutions-corrsim-jr.html
Innovation: Engineering Research Data Management (ERDM)
Recipients: Daniel J. Dunmire, DoD Corrosion Policy & Oversight Office; Eric M. Mañalac, MVE Systems, Inc.
Corrosion Control Category: Testing
Description: The ERDM is an archiving and documentation tool for Department of Defense (DoD)-funded research studies in the field of corrosion. It currently supports nine universities. Research students, principal investigators, and administrators are given a sizable online storage space where they can efficiently and securely upload, update, and manage their research-related documents.
Web site: http://mvesystems.com/oursolutions-erdm.html
Innovation: Flange Rescue Gasket (FRG)
Recipient: Russ Currie, Flexitallic Ltd
Corrosion Control Category: Integrity Assessment
Description: The FRG seals damaged flanges without the need for replacement or machining. The FRG is a sealing solution which reduces the lengthy and costly process of flange maintenance in corrosive offshore environments. The gasket is fabricated of highly compressible Sigma® polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) to ensure the FRG conforms to damaged flange surfaces to seal and prevent further deterioration.
Web sites: http://www.flangerescuegasket.com and http://www.flexitallic.eu
Innovation: Magnetic Spray Process
Recipients: John O'Keefe, MSP, LLC; Michael Brower, MSP, LLC
Corrosion Control Category: Coatings and Linings
Description: The Magnetic Spray Process is a patented process that advances thermally sprayed coatings by spraying pure aluminum and preventing a highly oxidized aluminum coating, which can result when using conventional methods. This process operates at temperatures slightly above the melting point of aluminum and prevents an oxide reaction as molten metal is sprayed with a heated arc. By spraying at low temperatures, the aluminum retains its elemental properties and prevents porosity, brittleness, and ductility impairment of the sprayed coating. The innovation also provides superior bonding and adhesion, allows components to be welded without impairing the sprayed coating, prevents corrosion for longer time periods, and is a more cost-effective application over the life of the spray-coated asset.
Innovation: PTC Emitters
Recipient: Boris Miksic, Cortec Corporation
Corrosion Control Category: Chemical Treatment
Description: PTC Emitters contain Migrating Corrosion Inhibitor (MCI®) powder for corrosion protection of post-tensioning cables, ferrous and non-ferrous metals in recessed areas, interior cavities, and voids. The pouches are constructed from breathable Tyvek®, which allows the MCI molecules to pass through the membrane to form a molecular layer on metal surfaces that provides corrosion protection. PTC Emitters provide an extremely efficient dry method to protect metals within an enclosed space. The MCI vaporizes and adsorbs on all metal surfaces and reaches all exposed areas, including recessed sections and interior cavities. If the MCI layer is disturbed by moisture or the enclosed space is exposed to air, the layer is replenished by continuous vapor redeposition.
Web site: http://www.cortecvci.com
Innovation: TruQC
Recipients: Ross Boyd, Dane McGraw, Benjamin Chute, Megan Strick, TruQC
Corrosion Control Category: Other—Quality Control
Description: TruQC allows project managers to submit pertinent job-site documentation via their iPad. All submissions are stored in the cloud, giving immediate off-site access to privileged parties. The software facilitates auto-filing and calculating important data such as ambient conditions, dew point, humidity, and wet-bulb temperatures. All submitted forms are time, date, photo, GPS, and signature stamped. All required files are then readily available both on the job site and at the home office. Once a document is submitted and approved, changes cannot be made. Additionally, users have the ability to sort, store, and approve mandatory reports.
Web site: http://www.TruQCapp.com
Innovation: Universal Learning Application (ULA)
Corrosion Control Category: Cathodic Protection
Recipients: Daniel J. Dunmire, DoD Corrosion Policy & Oversight Office; Eric M. Mañalac, MVE Systems, Inc.
Description: The Universal Learning Application is a learning platform that brings high-level multimedia content from the Department of Defense (DoD) corrosion resource hub, CorrConnect.org, to mobile devices. Supporting various formats for viewing text, photos, graphics, videos, animations, interactive simulations, and exams, the Universal Learning Application is designed to be the outdoor, on-the-go companion for corrosion professionals working in the field as well as corrosion students while they are away from their desk computers. It has enhanced and optimized tools for account management and navigation, and is built with a synchronization feature that allows users to credit any incremental progress with their online CorrConnect.org account.
Web site: http://mvesystems.com/oursolutions-ula.html
Photos available upon request.
About Materials Performance: Published monthly, Materials Performance (MP) is the world's largest circulation journal dedicated exclusively to corrosion prevention and control.
NACE International, The Corrosion Society, based in Houston, Texas, with offices in the U.S., China, Malaysia and Saudi Arabia serves 30,000 members in 116 countries. NACE International is the leader in the corrosion control community and is recognized worldwide as the premier authority for corrosion solutions. The organization reaches all industries impacted by corrosion and offers the most specified technical training and certification programs, conferences, industry standards, reports, publications, and software to prevent and mitigate corrosion.
[b]凯排啊,窝咬验牌-----by Pierre Cashon [/b]