
[国际] ASTM Updates Nuclear Coating Standards



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关键词: Coating

Nuclear coatings performance monitoring, inspection training, and specialist qualifications are the focus of three newly revised standards by ASTM International.

Two of the standards have not been revised since 2005; one was last revised in 2012.

The updated standards were developed by Committee D33 on Protective Coating and Lining Work for Power Generation Facilities and are contained in ASTM BOS Volume 06.02: Paint – Products and Applications; Protective Coatings; Pipeline Coatings.

The revised standards follow.

The revised standards include guidelines for establishing a program to monitor the performance of Coating Service Level III lining (and coating) systems in operating plants.

D5498 - Standard Guide for Developing a Training Program for Personnel Performing Coating and Lining Work Inspection for Nuclear Facilities

Last updated in 2012, this standard has been revised to D5498-12a. The standard provides guidance for developing an indoctrination and training program for personnel performing coating and lining inspection work at nuclear facilities. (Certification/qualification of personnel performing coating and lining work inspection is addressed in Guide D4537.)

ASTM notes that users of the standard “must ensure that coating and lining work complies not only with this guide, but also with the licensee's plant-specific quality assurance program and licensing commitments.”

D7108 - Standard Guide for Establishing Qualifications for a Nuclear Coatings Specialist

This standard has been revised to D7108-12. Last updated in 2005, the guide delineates recommendations for developing procedures and criteria for designation of an individual as a Nuclear Coatings Specialist involved in coating work in nuclear facilities.

he Nuclear Coatings Specialist is responsible for the technical aspects of the safety-related coatings program in a nuclear facility or organization, which includes establishing processes and quality control requirements.

D7167 - Standard Guide for Establishing Procedures to Monitor the Performance of Safety-Related Coating Service Level III Lining Systems in an Operating Nuclear Power Plant

Newly revised as D7167-12, this guide covers procedures for establishing a program to monitor the performance of Coating Service Level III lining (and coating) systems in operating nuclear power plants. Monitoring is an ongoing process of evaluating the condition of the in-service lining systems.

The goal of the standard is “to provide a recommended basis for establishing a linings monitoring program, not to mandate a singular basis for all programs,” ASTM notes. “Variations or simplifications of the program described in this guide may be appropriate for any given operating nuclear power plant depending on its licensing commitments.”

ASTM’s D7230 provides guidance for selecting lining materials for new construction or maintenance of safety-related lining systems.

About ASTM

ASTM International, formerly known as the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), is a globally recognized leader in the development and delivery of international voluntary consensus standards.

Today, some 12,000 ASTM standards are used around the world to improve product quality, enhance safety, facilitate market access and trade, and build consumer confidence.