Gage powers up but will not take any readings:
- Substrate may not be metal. “F” probes measure coatings on
ferrous metals such as steel and iron, and “N” probes measure
over non-ferrous metals such as aluminum.
- Protective cap must be removed from probe (if outfitted with one).
- An extreme calibration adjustment might have been made.
3.这点所说的An extreme calibration adjustment 就是膜片校准,如果在有涂层的基体上进行零点校准后,测出来的值原则上就是0,有偏差也就是一点点,但这里只是说明了有可能是这个原因引起的,所以建议用膜片进行校准(PosiTector 6000出厂时零板是没有随机附带,易高的也是没有,所以认为用户有可能是在有涂层的基体上做了零点校准)