需要:QC inspector Steel structure -1 persons (钢结构检验员)
1. CWI or CSWIP 3.1, Level II NDT license (ISO9712 for PT, MT, RT, UT)
2. 5~10-year experience 5年以上工作经验
3. Good English Speaking and Writing英语听说读写好,需要英文面试
4. IT skills
5. 有设计工作经验为佳
需要:Electrical Specialist (EHT) -1 persons (电气专家,设计方面)
5~10-year experience 5年以上工作经验
Good English Speaking and Writing英语听说读写好,需要英文面试
IT skills, perform S3D, smart sketch operation
需要:Fire Proof supervisor and Painting supervisor -1 +1 persons (防火/油漆主管)
5~10-year experience 5年以上工作经验
Good English Speaking and Writing英语听说读写好,需要英文面试
IT skills
需要:Steel structure Supervisor -1 person (钢结构主管)
5~10-year experience 5年以上工作经验
Good English Speaking and Writing英语听说读写好,需要英文面试
IT skills
有兴趣加我微信或者是发CV到WilliamZhang@Xiangstar-china.com , 邮件主题加上LNG.