
[人物] 林昌健 教授



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Chang-Jian LIN (C.J. LIN),教授,博士生导师

美国NIST博士后 (1987-1990)



C.J. Lin*, J.L. Luo, X.D. Zhuo, Z.W. Tian, Scanning Micro Electrode Studies of the Pitting Corrosion of 18/8 Stainless Steel in an Early Stage, Corrosion, 54, 4, 265-270 (1998).
J.M. Zhang, C.J. Lin*, Z.D. Feng, Z.W. Tian, Hydroxyapatite/Metal Composite Coating Prepared by Multi-Step Electrodeposition Method, J. Materials Science Letters, 17, 1077-1079 (1998).
J.M. Zhang, C.J. Lin*, Z.D. Feng, Z.W. Tian, Mechanistic Studies of Electrodeposition for Bioceramic Coatings of Calcium Phosphates by an In-Situ pH-Microsensor Technique, J. Electroanalytical Chemistry, 452, 235-240 (1998).
C.J. Lin*, R.G. Du, T.Nguyen, In-Situ Imaging of Chloride Ions at the Metal/Solution Interface by Scanning Combination Microelectrodes, Corrosion, 56, 1, 41-47 (2000).
C.J. Lin*, X.D. Zhuo, T. Nguyen, An Array Electrode Technique for Mapping Corrosion Potential at the Polymer/Metal Interface, Corrosion and Reliability of Electronic Materials and Devices, R.B.Comizzoli, R.B.Frankenthal, J.D. Sinclair, Eds, 1999, p.288.
C.J. Lin*, X.D. Zhuo, Z.W. Tian, Z.D. Feng, R.G. Du, J.G. Tan, Y.L. Hu, Novel Electrochemical Techniques with Spatial Resolution And Its Applications in the Investigation of Localized Corrosions, J. Xiamen University (Natural Science), 40(1), 448-458, 2001.
C.J. Lin*, R.G. Hu, R.G. Du, A Comprehensive Characterization of Passive Film of Stainless Steel Modified by Electrochemical Technique, Passivity of Metals and Semiconductors, Eds.M.B. Ives, J.L. Luo, J.R. Rodda, The Electrochemical Society, Inc., ISBN 1-56677-304-0, 809-815, 2001.
Y.L. Hu, R.G. Hu, M.H. Shao, C.J. Lin*, In situ ECSTM investigation on formation and breakdown of passive film for polycrystalline stainless steel, Acta Metallurgica Sinica, 37(9), 965-970, 2001.
H.B. Hu, C.J. Lin*, R.Hu, Y.Leng, A Study on Hybrid Bioceramic Coatings of HA/Poly (Vinyl Acetate) Co-deposited Electrochemically on Ti-6Al-4V Alloy Surface, Materials Science and Engineering C, 20(1-2), 209-214, 2002.
L.J. Chen, C.J. Lin*, X. Cheng, Z.D. Feng, Study on the Deformation of Porous Nickel Oxide Cathode Materials in MCFC, Solid State Ions, 148(3-4), 539-544, 2002.
L.J. Chen, X. Cheng, C.J. Lin*, C.M. Huang, In-situ Raman Spectroscopic Studies on the Oxide Species in Molten Li/K2CO3, Electrochimica Acta, 47, 1475-1480, 2002.
M.H. Shao, Y. Fu, R.G. Hu, C.J. Lin*, Localized corrosion study of Al 2024-T3 alloy by scanning micro reference electrode technique, Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, 18(4), 350-354, 2002.
M.H. Shao, R.S. Huang, R.G. Hu, C.J. Lin*, Fabrication of composite scanning micro pH electrode and its application in localized corrosion, Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, 18(10), 934-937, 2002.
L.J. Chen, X. Cheng, C.J. Lin*, C.M. Huang, Investigations on dissolution mechanism of the NiO cathode materials in MCFC by in-situ Raman spectroscopy, Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities-Chinese, 23(4), 661-664, 2002.
F. Chen, C.J. Lin*, Preparation and Characterization of Nano-sizes Hydroxyapatite Particles and Hydroxyapatite/chitosan Nano-composite for Use in Biomedical Materials, Materials Letters, 57, 4, 858-861, 2002.
L.J. Chen, C.J. Lin*, C.M. Huang, In-situ Investigation on the Deformation and Dissolution Behavior of Porous Nickel during Its Oxidation/Lithiation in Li/K2CO3, Eutectic, Electrochimica Acta, 47, 3515-3522, 2002.
R. Hu, H.B. Hu, C.J. Lin*, Preparation and characterization for a co-deposited hybrid coating of calcium phosphate/chitosan on Ti alloy surface, Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities-Chinese, 23(11), 2142-2146, 2002.
R.G. Hu, R.S. Huang, R.G. Du, C.J. Lin*, Study on corrosion behavior of reinforcing steel in concrete subjected to chloride contamination by EIS, Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, 19(1), 46-50, 2003.
C.J. Lin*, R.G. Hu, XPS/SERS Studies on Electrochemically Modified Passive Film of Stainless Steel, J. Chinese Society Corrosion Protection, 20(3), 149, 2000.
M.H. Shao, Y.Fu, R.G. Hu, C.J. Lin*, A Study on Pitting Corrosion of Aluminum Alloy 2024-T3 by Scanning Microreference Electrode Technique, Materials Science and Engineering A, A344, 323-327, 2003.

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