
[分享] NACE releases Operator Qualification 2.0 training for pipeline personnel



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关键词: NACE
NACE International, The Corrosion Society, has released NACE Operator Qualification (OQ) 2.0 in partnership with the University of Akron. The self-paced, online training and assessment program addresses pipeline corrosion prevention fundamentals through a series of learning modules.

The Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) requires that all personnel working on natural gas or hazardous liquid pipelines be qualified to perform the work. The new NACE OQ 2.0 program addresses this requirement for all corrosion related tasks.

The NACE OQ program is comprised of 40 Covered Tasks and can be purchased in four convenient modules including all 40 Covered Tasks, Cathodic Protection, Coatings and Internal Corrosion. All modules include the selected covered tasks as well as Corrosion Assessment, Safety and Abnormal Operation Condition (AOC).

Each task includes a written assessment that may be proctored on-line or in-person by a NACE-approved proctor. Of the 40 Covered Tasks, 37 include Performance Assessments that are completed in the presence of an industry experienced NACE-approved proctor. Professionals who successfully complete covered tasks receive NACE OQ qualifications; these qualifications are renewable every 3 years. A directory of NACE certified and qualified individuals are maintained at NACE and at ISNETWorld websites.

NACE OQ 2.0 may be used by individuals or licensed by companies. For more information about the NACE Operator Qualification Program, including a list of all 40 Covered Tasks, please visit www.nace.org/education.