
[分享] 材料腐蚀与防护四川省高校重点实验室



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— 本帖被 hiatc 从 行业资讯快报 移动到本区(2013-03-30) —
电话:0813-5505620 电子邮箱:suseff@163.com

Undergraduate major for corrosion and protection of Sichuan University of Science and Engineering was response to the appeal in 1980. It was engaged in teaching and researching of material corrosion and protection for a long time. In 1995, the Corrosion Protection Engineering Research Institute was established. There are 42 researchers in the laboratory, including 17 professors, 14 associate professors, 20 advisors of master, which started to recruit graduate students in 2004. Since the laboratory of material corrosion and protection was built, the laboratory had been closely contacted with other research institutes at home and abroad. Now it is one of council members of the Corrosion and Protection Association of China , one of council members of the Corrosion and Protection Association of Sichuan Province, and the associate council unit of the Corrosion Resistance and Heat Preservation Specialized Committee of Sichuan Province. In recent years, the laboratory actively applies for state-level, province-level and prefecture-level research projects, widely cooperates and tackles hard-nut problems in science and technology with large and medium-sized key enterprises. It totally applies for 4 state-level projects and about 20 province-level projects, and obtains about 10 province-level and prefecture-level science and technology prizes. In the recent years, there are more than 200 papers in the domestic and foreign academic Journals and 5 books. More than 90 million Yuan direct economic benefit for the companies is created by the laboratory, many science and technology achievements are leading the way in china.
Material Corrosion and Protection Key Laboratory of Sichuan province is established and open for home and abroad, which occupies 2000 m2. There are many large-scale precision instruments and equipments , which cost more than 20 million Yuan, including scanning electron microscope (SEM), scanning probe microscope (SPM), electrochemistry workstation, special corrosive medium of simulation equipment at the high temperature, the large-scale Metallurgical Microscope Analysis System, high Performance Liquid Chromatography-mass Spectrometry, X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (XRF), Electronic Universal Testing Machine, etc. At present,it consists of cathodic protection laboratory, new-type inhibitors laboratory, electrochemical measurement system laboratory, corrosion resistance engineering laboratory, high temperature corrosion laboratory of the materials, etc., and has established its website and the database of material corrosion and protection. “open, floating, combining and competitive” running mechanism is implemented here. According to research direction of the laboratory , open funds and Open Projects are established for domestic and foreign outstanding science and technology talents. We encourage the originality innovations of the system and mechanism and actively push forward all kinds of international and domestic cooperation and academic exchanges. Based on the technology of material corrosion and protection of the Materials and the related application research, the laboratory will be dedicated to  develop more new techniques and products, and provide technical consultations, the design of auxiliary projects, and technical training for companies in these related fields.
Contact:Jin Yongzhong,Li xinyue ,Zeng Xianguang
